Welcome to this website dealing with the stages of the Buddhist path to enlightenment or awakening.
I respect all faith traditions, and none. Coming to better understand spirituality in life has been an over-arching life’s passion. I also now delight in the richness of expression that different faith traditions present.
The purpose of this website is to share information. Because of personal time constraints, the website at this time is not designed for receiving comments which would then need to be respectfully responded to.
Nonetheless, if a visitor wishes to write a comment relating to this website, they may use this personal email address: aepeck77@gmail.com (While a response cannot be guaranteed, any comments made will be appreciated.)
The privacy of personal information, provided by anyone writing to the above email address, will be held in highest regard.
Again, may the reflections shared on this website be of personal benefit to all visitors. That is my sole purpose for creating this site.
Alexander Peck (February 2020)