BODHICITTA (Days 283-285)
1 The ten benefits of bodhicitta (Days 286-295)
1.1 Bodhicitta is the sole gateway to the Mahayana
1.2 We gain the name “child of the buddhas”
1.3 We outshine the arhats
1.4 We become a supreme object of offering
1.5 We accumulate enormous merit with ease
1.6 We rapidly purify negative karma and obscurations
1.7 We accomplish whatever we wish
1.8 We are not bothered by hindrances
1.9 We quickly complete the stages of the path
1.10 We become a source of happiness for others
2 The seven points of cause and effect (Days 296-305)
The basis: immeasurable equanimity
2.1 All sentient beings have been our mother
2.2 Remembering their kindness
2.3 Repaying their kindness
2.4 Loving kindness
2.5 Great compassion
2.6 Special attitude
2.7 Developing bodhicitta
3 Exchanging self and others (Days 306-315)
3.1 Training in the two types of bodhicitta
3.2 Training the mind in relative bodhicitta
3.2.1 We and all others are equal
3.2.2 The faults of self-cherishing
3.2.3 The benefits of cherishing others
3.2.4 How to meditate on taking and giving (tonglen)
4 Converting unfortunate circumstances into the path (Days 316-327)
4.1 Converting circumstances through thought
4.1.1 Converting them through analysis
4.1.2 Converting them through the view
4.2 Converting circumstances through action
5 Training in the activities of a bodhisattva (Days 328-339)
5.1 The six perfections
5.1.1 Charity
5.1.2 Morality
5.1.3 Patience
5.1.4 Perseverance
5.1.5 Concentration
5.1.6 Wisdom
5.2 The four means of drawing disciples to the Dharma
5.3 Taking the bodhisattva vows