EMPTINESS (Days 340-342)
1 Establishing the selflessness of persons (Days 343-353)
1.1 What is to be refuted
1.2 Determining the full set of possibilities
1.3 The self and the aggregates are not truly the same
1.4 The self and the aggregates are not truly different
1.5 How to pursue the attitude that things are like an illusion
2 Establishing the selflessness of phenomena (Days 354-358)
2.1 Physical forms do not truly exist
2.2 Consciousness does not truly exist
2.3 Non-associated compounded phenomena do not truly exist
2.4 Unconditioned phenomena do not truly exist
3 How to develop special insight (Days 359-363)
WRAP-UP (Days 364-365)
Source: Based on Pabongka Rinpoche. Liberation in the Palm of Your Hand: A Concise Discourse on the Path to Enlightenment. New Revised Edition. Edited in the Tibetan by Trijang Rinpoche. Translated into English by Michael Richards. Boston, MA: Wisdom Publications, 2006.